Thursday, February 28, 2019

Benefits of date palm

Dates are considered very beneficial for our health. Its latin name is Phoenix sylvestris. It is used in many diseases. It is often used in winter. Let's know about its benefits and uses -


Dates of beauty

Whoever has the problem of freckles, pimples, grind 4-5 dates and apply it on the face, it ends all problems and brings radiance on the face.

Eye problems - Anyone who has pain or redness in the eyes, grind 2-3 dates and apply it on the eyes and under the eyes, this will eliminate your problem.

In heart disease:

If you eat 8-10 dates daily, then your heart disease will soon develop.

Papaya is a boon for the skin

Phlegm problem

 Take out 15-20 dates dates and boil it in milk for a while and when the milk becomes thick, drink it after cooling. The phlegm problem will be over soon.


If anyone has problems with piles, then use dates in small quantities.

Benefits and side effects of omega-3 capsule

Benefits of omega 3 capsule   O mega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that provide numerous health benefits. Omega-3 capsules, typicall...