If you have pain in the calf, do this exercise in five minutes
Sitting at home often causes pain in the calf. For this, today we are telling you three new exercises which will create a stretch in the joints and bones in the lower part of the body, which will strengthen the calves and make the body balance. The special thing is that you can do it in just five minutes between work. This causes the release of endorphin hormone in the body. It acts as a pain reliever and is helpful in relieving anger and stress.
Coffee races
Stand upright and keep both feet equal. Keep hands close to the body. Then try to lift the weight of the body upwards with the help of toes, the heels of both feet should not touch the ground at all. Stayed in this position for about 20 seconds. You can increase or decrease the time as per your convenience. After this, reduce the weight gradually and allow the ankles of both feet to come down and touch the ground comfortably, you can do this exercise regularly four to five times.
Reverse lounge
Stand up straight. Keep both your feet at the intersection of the hips and keep the hands straight downwards. Now raise your right leg and take one step backwards and leave the left leg temporary. Keep the knee of the right leg on the ground and who should make 90 degrees on the right thigh and calf knee. Now bring your left leg parallel to the floor with the knee and who is made 90 degrees on the knee of the left leg, then straighten your two legs and come to your initial state, repeat this whole action on your other side also. Do it three times.
Sumo squat
If you are troubled by obesity, then this is the best exercise. Keep your feet slightly away from the shoulder cross. Hold both arms perfectly straight. After this, jump upwards and return to the same position. Keep in mind that while doing this you have to jump on your toes and not on your ankles. If you keep your body loose while coming down, you can get better results, can you practice 8 to 10 times.