Can you reduce belly fat with yoga? Yes you can. How will we help you in this? If you are troubled by Lose Belly Fat on the stomach, then we can understand your problem. Even if you have lost weight fast, but you will definitely have to work double to reduce the fat on the stomach. So if you are also looking to reduce the fat on the stomach, then definitely the remedies to reduce belly fat. And you will be given many tips to reduce waist fat. Often people also take stomach fat reduction medicines, which can be harmful to your health. You will get many ways to reduce your waist and stomach, but hardly anyone can tell you how to reduce belly fat. For this, you have to have the right diet and exercise. But if you cannot go to the gym, then we tell you about 3 such yogasanas which will help in reducing the fat and weight on the stomach.
1. By reducing belly fat, weight will also be reduced (Naukasana)
Yes, Naukasana reduces fat on one side while on the other hand it is also helpful in reducing weight. Not only this, naukasana is also considered helpful in enhancing the brightness of the face.
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How to do naukasana
- Naukasana can be done to reduce obesity. To start the boat, first lie down.
- Now take a deep breath
- Lie up and lift the shoulders and head up.
- Now raise the legs straight upwards.
- Your arms, legs and shoulders are equal, ie parallel.
Now slowly exhaling, bring the head, hands and feet to the lower position.
- Practice this asana 2-3 times.
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Benefits of Naukasana
Naukasana is helpful in strengthening abdominal muscles.
Naukasana removes problems like constipation.
Naukasana is also helpful in improving digestion.
With this asana, tightening of the loose skin can be done.
2. Bhujangasana for fast weight loss and obesity
bhujangasanaBhujangasana Benefits: Bhujangasana is considered very good for the shoulders and arms.

Yes, if you want to lose weight fast or want to lose the fat on the stomach, then you should practice Bhujangasana posture.
How to do Bhujangasana
- First lie down on the stomach.
After this, bring both hands straight with the chest and keep the palms on the ground.
- Now while breathing, slowly rise from the side of the chest.
- Wake up to the navel.
Now return to the first illness, exhaling.
- Practice this asana 8-9 times.
Benefits of Bhujangasana
- By practicing this asana, the fat stored around the abdomen can be reduced.
- Bhujangasana is considered very good for the shoulders and arms.
- Bhujangasana can also be helpful in reducing obesity around the waist.
- Get back from the problem of back and back pain.
- Bhujangasana is helpful in keeping all the organs of the stomach right, such as liver, kidney, etc.
- Increases the appetite and the problem of constipation is overcome.
3. Ustrasana to thin the waist

Now brother, who doesn't like a thin waist? If you are losing weight and you have to reduce the fat on the stomach, then you will definitely want a thinner waist. For this, you practice Ustrasana.
How to do Uttrasana
- First of all sit on the ground of clutches. You have to sit just like Vajrasana.
- Keep thighs and feet together. The claws should be on the back and on the floor.
- Now stand on your knees.
Make sure the toes of the knees and feet are open at the same distance.
- Take a long breath and while exhaling, try holding the right heel with the right palm and the left heel with the left hand while tilting the waist back.
- Practice this asana 4-5 times.
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Benefits of Uttrasana
Ustrasana makes the stomach and waist flexible.
It also helps in menstrual problems in women.
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