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You do not like an extra hair in the eyebrows. But do you keep an eye on eyebrows even while doing makeup? How to enhance the beauty of eyebrows during makeup?
Makeup has an important role in enhancing the beauty of the face, but any makeup is incomplete without beautiful eyebrows. Long and thick eyelids make the face beautiful, similarly dense eyebrows easily attract attention to the face. Most of us use eyeliner, mascara, kajal or eyeshadow for eye make-up, but do you use the product for eyebrows too? Whether the eyebrows are dense or light, thin or thick, it gives a new dimension to the beauty of the face. This is the reason why makeup experts also recommend to pay more attention to eye care during makeup.

Brush eyebrows
Wash your face thoroughly before applying makeup. After this, brush the eyebrows upwards with the help of eyebrows. Now use a thin liner brush. For this work, we use a school bus because of its shape, it also works to fill and make eyes.
Eyebrows are important
If you have beautiful cut eyebrows then you can use pomade or eyebrows pencil. With their help, you will fill your eyebrows beautifully, the more your makeup will improve. To color the eyebrows with the help of pencil, lightly stroke in the direction of the eyebrows and make the outline first. Once you have your hand set, you will be able to use any product. According to the makeup expert, if you are holding the mirror very close and filling your eyebrows, then stop. Fill the eyebrows by keeping the mirror a little distance away, so that you can guess the size and color of the eyebrows correctly.
Eyebrows shadow or eyebrows powder?
If you want to use something else instead of the eyebrows pencil then you have another option and that is, eyebrows shadow. It is easy to apply. You can use eyebrows or eyebrows of black brown or gray color. To apply this, you do not have to work very hard, just with the help of this brush you will have to apply the top and bottom of the powder. Take a little because a little powder will be enough for both eyebrows comfortably. Use a slightly bristled brush to apply the powder.
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