Saturday, September 17, 2022

What are the advantage and disadvantages of Ayurveda?

 The main cause of diseases is wrong eating and our healthy routine is considered.  Ritucharya means eating food that is unfavorable to the seasons is leading us to many diseases.  This is the reason why lifestyle problems like diabetes, cancer, BP, arthritis and obesity are increasing continuously.  That is why fitness experts all over the world are emphasizing on adopting ayurvedic lifestyle associated with nature.  is worked on.

Tridosha and Circadian Rhythm

According to Ayurveda, various diseases arise due to imbalance of the 'tridoshas' Vata, Pitta and Kapha and the associated prakritis.  For example, when pitta increases, digestive problems arise, when Vata increases, joint pain and when Kapha increases, breathing problems arise.

The nature of each person is different.  It is important to pay attention to this that there is a rhythm in the activities of organs like digestion, heart, lungs and brain etc. Like heart beats 72 times in 1 minute, at an interval of about 8 hours we feel hungry and 1  About 15 times in a minute we breathe at night, so sleep starts at this time, this rhythm is called circadian rhythm.  Wrong food, unhealthy lifestyle and stress disturb this rhythm.  In order to keep this rhythm correct, Ayurveda considers it necessary to change the diet according to the season.

Avoid aversion

There are six juices in Ayurveda – Madhur (sweet), Lavana (salty), Acid (sour), Katu (bitter), Tikta (pungent) and Kashaya (astringent). These six Rasas should be included in regular diet.  Due to the different properties and taste of some food substances, it is forbidden to eat together, it is called aversion. Such food causes digestive and skin disorders.

  • Do not eat sour and salty things with milk
  • Do not eat radish and milk together
  • Do not drink milk with seafood and non-veg
  • Do not eat equal quantity of ghee and honey
  • Do not eat cold things immediately after in the house
 Common Diseases

According to Ayurveda, unhealthy food leads to the formation of disordered substances in the body, which are called 'Aam'. When 'Aam' increases the risk of blockage in the heart and its coronary arteries. Due to the accumulation of common elements in the liver, there is a possibility of fatty liver, arthritis due to accumulation in the joints, colitis due to accumulation in the intestines and accumulation of stones in the kidney. Being happens.

If you work the night shift

Waking up late in the night increases the incidence of Vata in the body.  Due to which the skin can become dry, joint and back pain and the process of blood circulation in the body can slow down. Some things should be adopted by such people.  like in the night
  • Do not take cold things in food and drink
  • Drink enough water while working at night.  Boil fennel, cumin, coriander in 1 liter of water and drink this water at night.
  • Regular massage of sesame oil should be done in the body. Eat more juicy vegetables to control the air outbreak.
Some important rules of food
  • Follow the 70-30 rule i.e. stomach section should be filled with food and 30% portion should be empty.  Do not eat hard. If you are not hungry, do not eat food if you have indigestion.  Chew the food and eat it.  Eat food with concentration. Avoid eating food after reheating it.  Do not drink water for 1 hour after having a meal. By not doing this, the digestive juices in the stomach are not activated properly.
  • Eat sprouted food occasionally.  Eat less at night and drink lukewarm milk.  This stress removes despair.  Adding cardamom to milk makes it digestible.
  • Include herbs and spices like fresh ginger, turmeric, garlic, cumin and black pepper in the diet.
   What does ayurvedic clock say?

  Sunrise, 6 to 10 o'clock kapha predominant

exercise, walk, light breakfast, time to gather energy and freshness for the day

10 to 12 Pitta Pradhan

 (planning, arranging, starting work)

Pitta predominant from 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm

Strategize major and difficult tasks.  Time to have the best and nutritious meal of the day due to high metabolism.
Vata predominant from 2:00 to 6:00
Talk, meet, do light exercise preparing for the next tasks.
Kapha dominant from sunset 6:00 to 10:00

Slowing down your pace of work, light meals, gradually moving in and out, family interactions and rest time,
Pitta predominant from 10:00 to 2:00 pm

prayer, meditation, deep sleep, dreaming, subconscious active 

Vata predominant from 2:00 to 6:00

(Light sleep, meditation, exercise) Kapha is predominant in the morning.  Do exercise and daily physical activities during this time.  In the afternoon, due to the nature of bile and the intensification of the digestive fire, the food is well repented.  After that the vata starts increasing.  Keep this time for creative work.  Have your meal before sunset or by 7:00 pm.  After a long day's exhaustion, the body now wants rest.  Try to sleep by 10:00.  From 12:00 to 4:00, deep sleep is the time to dream and return from sleep, at this time the liver detoxes the body very well. 

 Get up in Brahma Muhurta, meditate, repeat good thoughts.

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