Monday, July 8, 2019

What is real meaning of yoga?

What is yoga? 

Yoga means adding. Joining the divine with the divine is completely Yoga. Yogacharya Maharishi Patanjali has presented the mystery of whole yoga in the form of sutras in his Yogasarshan.

What is Ashtanga Yoga?

 Our Sage Munis have told yoga through the purification of body, mind and life and eight kinds of means to attain the divine, which is called as Ashtanga Yoga.

 These are the following:

3. Posture
4. Pranayama
5. Pratyahar assumption
7. Care

 In this post we will talk about some simple pranayama which you can easily sit at home and make your life healthy.

 What is the easiest and what are the types of it?
 Simplicity means that the condition of the body in which you can keep your body and mind calm and stable.

 Stable Sujamamasanam: Asana is the ability to seamlessly sit in the same position without any suffering.

 According to the tradition of yoga scriptures there are four hundred million asanas and all these creatures are based on the names of animals. Nobody knows about these asanas, so the fourteen rugs are considered as the main. And currently thirty-two asanas are famous.

 Eases are practiced for physical, mental and spiritual health benefits and remedies.

 The rugs are divided into two groups: -

1. Dynamic easy
 2.Stable easy
 Dynamic posture - Asanas in which the body keeps moving with power.

 Stable Asanas - The asanas in which exercises are performed very little or no speed in the body.

 Let us know about these rugs to make our body healthy / Major types of Yogasana  Swastikasana
  Swastikasana Status: - Sit on a clean blanket or spreading legs.

 Method: - Bend the left leg from the knee and place it between the right thigh and the shin (the calf, part of the knee) and thus place the left leg of the left foot, then the right foot's toes and the bottom below the left foot. Establishing the middle of the thigh and shin becomes a swastika. Meditate in the mud posture and prevent the spine from breathing directly through breathing. Do this by changing the process.


 Foot pain and sweating are far away.
 Heat or coolness of the feet is dispelled. There is a great posture for meditation.

1 comment:

  1. Yoga and meditation have the power to improve intuitive ability, effortlessly. It is a state that occurs naturally after an uninterrupted practice, fundamental for decision-making and the management of daily and transcendental situations.


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