Meanwhile, coronovirus scares you that you cannot place your bets on junk food. In fact, try a plant-based diet to increase your immunity and stay healthy.
Many of us are in self-isolation nowadays, thanks to coronovirus. Going to the gym or park is not a smart move when social distinction is advised at the national and international level. And on top of that if you eat junk food then how will you protect yourself from obesity and Kovid-19. Don’t worry that we have found a solution for you. According to a new study, following a plant-based diet and avoiding foods like sweets, refined grains, and juices will help you have a healthier heart than those Chances are those who do not eat a plant-based diet. so there you go.
Researchers say processed food is not good for your heart
For the findings, the researchers tracked the development of eating behavior and cardiovascular disease among more than 2,000 Greek adults over a 10-year period in 2002.
"Findings suggest that a slight reduction in daily consumption of animal-based products — mainly less healthy foods, such as processed meat products — may contribute to improved heart health with an increase in healthy plant-based foods, "The study's lead author Demosthenes Paniagotakos, a professor at Hercopio University in Athens in Greece. At the end of the study period, the researchers analyzed the association between diet and heart disease using a dietary index, which divided participants into three groups based on the number of animal-based foods (including meats- As well as animal-derived products. Such as eggs and dairy) they ate per day.
Overall, men who ate fewer animal-based foods were 25% less likely to develop heart disease than men who ate more animal-based foods.
The same overall trend was seen in women, but the relationship was less strong, with a decrease of approximately 11% among women eating the lowest animal-based foods.
Focusing on participants following a more plant-based diet, the researchers classified each participant's diet as either healthy (growing fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, oils, and teas, or coffee Depicting consumption) or unhealthy (denoting increased consumption) juices, sweetened beverages, refined grains, potatoes and sweets).
According to the study, women snack more than men
Only participants following a healthy plant-based diet had a significant reduction in heart risk compared to those who ate more animal-based products.
In general, men eat about three times per day, while women go for more snacks, eating four to five times a day. At the same time, women eating unhealthy plant-based diets are more dramatic at increased risk of heart disease. Showed an increase and a more dramatic reduction in risk when eating a healthy plant-based diet than men who fell in the same two categories.
This suggests that snacking on unhealthy foods may be beneficial while snacking on unhealthy foods may bring a higher risk, researchers said.
This research is to be presented at the annual scientific session of the American College of Cardiology, with the World Congress of Cardiology on March 28–30 in the US.
So, reindeer women and kindly put a halt on your binge eating seshs because they are neither good for your heart nor for your waistline.
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