It is better to eat any food item according to health. Asthma patients in particular have to be cautious about their diet, as there are many things that can increase the pain of asthma patients. The winter season is extremely difficult for asthmatic patients, but in other climates too, asthmatic patients should include essential food items in their diet, which will always improve their health by eating. There are two types of asthma. External and internal asthma. Sometimes, the condition of asthma can worsen due to infection, stress, cough etc.
Nutritious pulses
Pulses contain abundant protein. Black gram, moong dal, soybean and many other pulses are beneficial for health. These pulses are good for the lungs, so asthma patients must take them. Apart from this, digestive power is also strengthened by the consumption of pulses.
Green vegetables
Green vegetables are very beneficial for the lungs. Eating green vegetables does not cause phlegm in the lungs, which reduces the chances of asthma patients getting an attack. The body's intestines and lungs also function properly with regular intake of green vegetables.
Vitamin C rich foods
Anti-oxidant is found in plenty in Vitamin C, which protects the lungs. One study found that people who eat more vitamin C-rich foods are less likely to have an asthma attack, so asthma patients, especially oranges, broccoli, kiwi, melon, must eat.
Use of honey cinnamon
Consumption of honey and cinnamon is very beneficial for asthma patients. Mixing two to three pinches of cinnamon with one teaspoon of honey before going to bed at night provides regular relief in the lungs.
Intake of basil
Tulsi also has anti-oxidant properties, so drinking two to three leaves of basil in tea reduces the risk of asthma attack. Tulsi improves the immune system of the body. Tulsi is also a very effective medicine in avoiding seasonal diseases. Asthma patients suffer from seasonal diseases like cold and cough, so they should regularize basil.
Regular apple consumption
A study has found that among those who eat four to five apples a week, the risk of asthma attack decreases by 32%. The flavonoids element found in apples helps in transporting oxygen to the lungs, so eating apples is beneficial
or asthma patients.
Coffee or black tea
Coffee also serves to deliver oxygen to the lungs, because the caffeine found in it is a type of bronchiolitis, which increases the amount of oxygen in the lungs. It also increases energy in the body and brings vitality. Asthma is also overcome by the use of figs.
Asthma patients should never eat these things
Asthma patients should not eat eggs, wheat and soy products. Apart from this, papaya, banana, sugar, rice and curd are also harmful for many asthma patients. Also, fried patients should not eat fried foods.
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