Saturday, September 10, 2022

How to become strong mentally as well as body ?

 For the strength of the body, from food to exercise, pay attention to it. But, what can we do to increase the power of the mind?  In today's time it is necessary to be strong with mind?  And how to increase mental power, let's know

Mental strength is needed to stay strong in the midst of various difficulties, so that we can manage our thoughts and feelings and find solutions to problems.  Here are some ways by which you can become mentally strong -

practice conscious Breathing

It is not only a great way to de-stress but also to become mentally strong.  Take a short break every 2-3

hours a day. Take 5-7 deep breaths and exhale slowly. This is even more powerful when you breathe in and out with a smile on your face  This keeps you energetic.

Thank you for complaining 

That complaining more does not get anything.  In fact, it weakens our soul and energy.  By doing this we constantly get out negative thoughts.  And thus attract more negativity in our life, which makes us feel weak. The solution is in creating the right mindset, which will make our mind strong.  One powerful way to do this is to embrace gratitude. If you are grateful for the gifts of life, you will never lose enthusiasm and determination.

Inspire your feelings

It is natural to be emotional. But if you let your emotions take over, you start feeling weak to face life's challenges.   

Running away from your feelings is never the solution.  So to keep your emotions under control, keep asking yourself, how do I want to feel.  Another powerful way to deal with emotions is if you do everything mindfully, focusing on one thing at a time.

Take responsibility for your life 

The more you make a habit of taking responsibility for your own life, the less 

you will be overwhelmed by challenges and the more mentally strong you will be to solve your problems.

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