How likely is the infection to recur after the corona virus is cured in patients?
So far, no satisfactory answer has been found as to whether a person once infected with corona can have it again. Some scientists say that once an infection occurs, the human body develops immunity against it. But there have been some cases in China in which people got re-infection a few weeks after being discharged from the hospital. According to a study in China, so far only a particular species of monkey has been successful in developing immunity against it.
Is there a greater risk of corona infection in patients battling or recovering from cancer?
According to senior oncologist Tapaswini Pradhan, according to the information so far, the risk of corona is 10 times higher than the normal virus. However, its effect is very less in 80% of cancer patients. Also, the risk of life is also low, but it can cause 18 percent more harm in people over 80 years of age. People with diabetes-2, heart disease, asthma and immunosuppressive therapy need special attention. According to an analysis published in Lancet Oncology, the risk of its serious impact in cancer patients is five times higher than in normal people. The immunity of patients is weakened due to the side effects of the disease or therapy, which increases the risk of infection. This needs to be kept in mind in cases of patients recovering from cancer. Depending on the nature and structure of the virus, methods of dealing with it are currently being adopted. Being more contagious than influenza, it is necessary to maintain a constant social distance and adopt good hygiene habits. Since this virus is new and is not currently a vaccine or anti-viral antidote, it is very important to strengthen your immunity. Take special care of your food and drink. Patients battling or recovering from cancer may have trouble recovering from it. It is better that they save themselves. If infected or feared, stay separate. Wear a mask People who are caring for them also wear masks. There are currently no facts related to the need to stop or change chemotherapy. Similarly, prophylactic anti-viral therapy also has no role. Chloroquine, lopinavir have also not been proven to have prophylactic effect.
COVID-19: When and how to wear a mask? Learn the right way to use it
What is the role of Vitamin-C in boosting immunity?
The body's resistance system plays a big role in protecting against external and internal diseases. By keeping food and drink right, we can strengthen the body's immunity. According to Dr. Tapaswini Pradhan, Vitamin-C helps protect against colds, keeps the skin healthy, which acts as a deterrent to external harmful substances and viruses. Some studies say that vitamin C also helps white blood cells fight infection. Its anti-bacterial properties are quite effective in reducing the effects of infection. Vitamin-C also helps in making the body a natural antioxidant. Taking at least 200mg of vitamin C regularly can reduce the risk of respiratory infections. The maximum limit is 2000 mg. An overdose can cause diarrhea and stones. Men should take 90 mcg and women 75 mcg of vitamin-C. Gooseberry; Citrus fruits such as lemon, orange, mousambi, tomato, kiwi; Green and red chillies and green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin-C.
I am very fond of eating fish and meat. Do I have to refrain these days or have no problem eating them?
These days, every possible effort is being made to rescue from Corona. It is being said that non-veg eaters should not eat meat until they recover from Corona's panic. Twitter has also seen trends like 'Stop eating meat' and 'No meat no corona virus'. Dr. Anant Mohan of the Department of Pulmonary Medicine at Delhi's All India Institute of Medical Sciences says that this rumor has spread because most people infected with the corona virus in Wuhan are being told some contact with the seafood markets. There is no conclusive evidence as far as corona is concerned with meat or diet. But as a precaution, it is also a good idea to avoid raw meat, especially in India. It is usually better to eat cooked meat. Till now no such advice has been given that eating meat should be avoided, but it should be cooked well.
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