Immune system

(Immune system)
Children who have less ability to fight diseases are prone to frequent infections and these infections do not go away quickly. It is the ability to fight against diseases, due to which some children like colds get rid of the cold quickly and in some children, even the elders, it persists for a long time.
Signs of immune system dilution(Immune system)
- Loss of appetite, abdominal pain, cramps, frequent diarrhea
- Failure of correct physical development of children
- Do not mind the children
- Internal inflammation in the body
- Anemia means anemia
Due to less power to fight diseases(Immune system)
- HIV, the virus that causes AIDS
- Some types of cancer
- Malnutrition means lack of nutrients in food
- viral hepatitis
- Sometimes this strength is reduced by the effect of drugs.
The strength to fight diseases can be increased in this way(Immune system)
- Immune system protects against viruses that cause colds and flu. These eight steps can help support your immune system. This prepare you to fight those viruses.
- Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
- Work out for at least 30 minutes as many days as possible in a week.
- Get enough sleep.
- Whenever needed, please wash hands.
- Get vaccinated. Young children should get the flu vaccine every year.
- Keep your weight control.
- Do not drink cigarettes and alcohol.
- Take the nutrients that the body needs.
People who have less power to fight diseases, they should take more care of themselves in the changing season. Take care when going out in cold weather. Protect yourself from pollution. Stay away from people who are sick.
There is good health in the food plate(Immune system)
Food is the best and natural source of strengthening the immune system. Your plate should have more vegetables and fruits. In India, the government has issued guidelines under its 'MyPlate' program and has described how the ideal plate of food is.
If there is any weakness or discomfort in the body, then the doctor should be told and they should also know from them whether the patient is taking food which contains vitamins and minerals necessary for it. Do not overdose. Sleeping too much can be bad.
Try to reduce stress(Immune system)
Today, every person has to deal with various types of stress, but very few people know that this ability to fight against the immune system can help in relieving stress. So reduce stress, keep yourself physically and mentally strong.
These steps taken to relieve stress(Immune system)
- Get enough sleep.
- Keep yourself relaxed i.e. do not be under stress at all times. In between, keep doing such things that feel relaxed like watching a short film or listening to music.
- Do exercise.
- Take time for yourself.
- Stay in touch with the people you tell your problems and find the right solution.
If stress increases more, instead of remaining upset, see a doctor. Counseling can relieve many types of stress.
Research, explains that the mother who breastfeeds her baby has more power to fight against diseases. Cleanliness should be taken care of in a house where there are small children. Instead of feeding children outside, feed them homemade nutritious things.
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