Monday, April 6, 2020

Hypertension will reduce the risk of diabetes

These days plant based diet is very popular. Plant-based diet means foods that are found in plants and include fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and pulses. Plant-based diet contains plenty of fiber, protein, and minerals. According to a recent study at Baltimore-based John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Maryland, a diet that has more plant-based foods and fewer animal-based foods reduces the risk of heart disease and death.
Researchers say that eating more plant based foods ie plant based foods and less animal based foods ie animal based foods can improve heart health. A person following such a
Hypertension will reduce the risk of diabetes
diet will have a lower risk of dying from a heart attack, stroke, or other heart disease.
Reduces the risk of hypertension
Consumption of red meat significantly increases the risk of high blood pressure and heart diseases and stroke related complications. But this risk may be reduced if you take plant-based foods. According to a study in the Journal of Hypertension, if a person is vegetarian, there is a 34 percent lower risk of high blood pressure than non-vegetarians.
For heart health-
 More sources of fiber are found in vegetarian food. A vegetarian diet will keep the heart healthy, but it requires choosing the right plant foods. Include whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables and healthy oils in your diet. These foods are good for the heart. But avoid unhealthy plant-based foods like refined grains.
Will reduce the risk of diabetes
A plant based diet is very beneficial if you want to lose weight. If you lose weight, the risk of diabetes also decreases significantly.
Reduces the risk of cancer-
The American Institute for Cancer Research says that plant-based diets provide nutrients that protect against cancer. Fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds are rich sources of fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. These nutrients reduce the risk of some cancers by about 10 percent.
Green vegetables should be included in the catering. Apart from this, salad should be consumed more and more. Regular intake of tomatoes, red chillies, onions, papaya, brinjals, grapes, cabbage, plum, muffandar, papaya gives relief from many diseases.

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