Indian men often ignore skin problems. But now the time has changed and as much as women worry about their skin, so do men. Not only worry, but they also keep searching news about their treatment.
Now you are also among these men, so firstly know about the problems that men often face with their skin. If you do not know them, then the treatment will be difficult. If it is too late, treatment may not be available.
Let the sun burn-5 skin problems on face in men and their solution
Almost everyone knows how dangerous sun rays are to our skin. Thick colored skin contains an element called melanin, which protects the skin from the sun's UV rays. But there is a problem with the white people. The skin of such people can also burn in the winter sun. It may also have rash and rashes.
5 skin problems on face in men and their solution
But whatever is the skin, everyone needs to take care. Meaning if the skin is perfect, care has to be taken to not let it spoil. Take care if the skin is bad.
For this, first of all think about protecting the skin from the sun. Avoiding sunlight is like giving life to the skin. It is important that heat or winter, try to avoid sunlight.
For this, before going out in the sun, you should only come out with sunscreen, sunglasses, caps etc. But yes, if sunburn has taken place from the sun, then vitamin E will be your support. You need to apply vitamin E cream on the face twice a day.
Effect of athletes foot, infection-5 skin problems on face in men and their solution
Athletes Foot. In hearing this name, it seems as if a player's feet are being talked about, but this name is a fungal infection. Those who live more in public places, but doubles. Be it the gym or the dressing room of a sports club, there is a possibility of this infection happening.
These infections often begin between the toes. Then it reaches the fingernails growing and on the edges of the foot, this infection also reaches. For this, it is important to wash the feet twice a day, so that the infection does not increase at all.
Remember to dry the feet after washing. If the weather is fine, try not to wear shoes but sandals. Actually, you have to wear socks along with shoes. Which will heat the feet, which will increase the infection. It is only right to consult a doctor.
5 skin problems on face in men and their solution
Dark circles under the eyes
Dark circles under the eyes are the problem of everyone nowadays. The reason is the lifestyle of runaway, in which even the necessary sleep is not fulfilled. Catering from above is also messed up. The proof of which starts to appear under the eyes.
These dark circles completely spoil the look of the face. For those who also drink, the situation gets worse for them. But it is also true that suddenly your lifestyle will not be correct. So you have to try some other methods.
Like you give your diet a healthy touch. Eat a diet rich in lots of nutrients. It is also necessary to drink plenty of water together. Doing yoga can help a lot in this problem. Not only dark circles, but the whole health will benefit a lot. Thin cucumber chips can also be placed on the eyes.
Psoriasis is a serious disease-5 skin problems on face in men and their solution
This is a major visible disease on the skin. Such as having rashes is not considered a big deal, men do not even care about it, but now it has to be done. Because these can be symptoms of psoriasis.
Psoriasis is a serious skin disease. Which usually occurs between 15 and 35 years of age. But it can happen anytime. The major reason for this is the disparity in immunity.
The other special thing related to this is that it can also be genetic. Experts believe that half of the family members of psoriasis patients also had this problem. A major symptom of this can also be irritation. The problem is another, there is no exact home remedy to cure it. However, vitamin A gives benefit in this. A doctor should be consulted as soon as symptoms of psoriasis appear.
5 skin problems on face in men and their solution
Upset wrinkle
You may be troubled by wrinkles appearing on the skin. You feel that these are the signs of your age. But with the care of the skin, these scars can be rid of or they can be reduced. So do not accept defeat in front of wrinkles.
There are many reasons for wrinkles. Such as thinning of the skin, dryness, reduced elasticity. Keeping some things in mind, they can be stopped from growing. Smoking is also a reason for early wrinkles in men's skin. So, first of all it has to be left. Even if you have been smoking for years, there will be some benefit of quitting now.
Add sunscreen lotion before going in the sun with it. You also have to do this in winter. Do apply moisturizer before sleeping at night. Dry skin causes wrinkles quickly. Doctors believe that wrinkles are never cured at all. But after taking special care of skin after the age of 30, they can definitely be prevented from happening.
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