Addiction is bad for anything. Phone also. Cheap smartphones and cheap internet have done the job of adding fuel to this addiction. How to get rid of this addiction
(side effect of mobile)
Will love this phone so bad.

30-year-old Reema could not sleep. He was gaining weight, as well as having many problems like depression, mood swings. On showing the doctor, I came to know that I have a mobile addiction. What is the addition of something? The addiction of anything happens when it starts controlling your life too, because of that, your life, your work, your relationships, everything starts getting affected. If seen, our family relationships, our health, our thoughts, our creativity ........ everything is being affected by this addiction of smartphones. Talk about statistics, in today's time every third woman has become a victim of mobile addiction. But, most would have known this. In fact, today the remote control to control our emotions is the same, that is our mobile phone. According to a report, women could not separate themselves for more than a few minutes. But getting rid of this addiction is not so difficult. How to get rid of mobile, let's learn:(side effect of mobile)
Initial 30 minutes (side effect of mobile)
Do you not check your mobile as soon as your eyes open in the morning? If this is the case then it is not right that you spend 30 minutes in the morning to improve your day, meditate for 5 minutes and then exercise. Meditation increases concentration and keeps the mind calm. Then make a healthy breakfast, eat and feed. The beginning of a healthy day will keep you full of positive energy. Keep away from your mobile kitchen. Can you do two things at the same time? No. So what is the use of mobile phones in the kitchen?
Keep your phone away from you sometime in the day. The habit of checking Whatsapp, Facebook or messages repeatedly affects the speed of our work. In such a situation, attention is also lost and work also gets spoiled. Decide for 2 hours a day that you will keep your mobile away from you and focus only on your work. Also, remove useless apps from the phone and turn off notifications so that your attention is not lost. Use the phone only when you need it. Avoid using the phone to overcome your boredom.
Do not carry the phone at bedtime(side effect of mobile)
If you chat on mobile or play a game till late night then it is not good for health or it not only affects your sleep, but it also affects your skin. Many women keep using the lying phones in the night time, even in the dark. Sleep will come only when you remove your smartphone from yourself. It is better that you turn off your smartphone before sleeping because the light and radiation emitted from the smartphone causes damage to the skin. Due to blue light, wrinkles appear on the face before age and the eyes will also have a very bad effect.
Smartphone has become such an important part of our life that we don't forget to use it even in the toilet. But, do you know that these habits can make you a victim of many diseases. Be careful if you do this too. The toilet contains e-coli, Shigella hepatitis-A, MRSA, norovirus, and gastrointestinal virus, etc., can make you a victim of diseases like diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps, stomach pain. In addition, many types of dermatitis can also occur due to germs like Salmonella, Asterapecoccus.
Keep busy and be happy (side effect of mobile)
If you are sitting in the living area, leave the phone in the bedroom. Do some laziness to pick up the phone, if it is going out somewhere, try leaving the mobile home. Never charge the phone intentionally. You can end your habits completely, but it can change. Your nervousness towards the phone will reduce your nervousness gradually. Keep yourself busy with other work. Be it a housewife or a working woman, spend the time saved in your hobby from a smartphone. You will feel healthy both physically and monthly.
(side effect of mobile)Do let us know your questions and suggestions in the comment box.
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