(Benefits of garlic)
Everyone wants long, thick and shiny hair. For this, we do many things like adopting expensive beauty products and the advice of beauty experts. However, you do not know that the most powerful hair beauty drug is present in your kitchen. This is pungent garlic. Beauty experts have also been proclaiming garlic as effective for hair beauty.
(Benefits of garlic)
Regular treatment of garlic can easily treat natural health as well as skin related pimples, acne, black spots and hair problems. Garlic contains nutritious elements like Vitamin B6, C, Magnis, which help in hair growth. This stops hair loss. Hair can grow again with regular use of garlic. Fresh juice of garlic contains selenium element, which increases blood circulation in the body, which leads to growth and development of hair and new hair growth. It contains vitamin 'C', which strengthens hair roots.(Benefits of garlic)
The anti-microbial properties of garlic play an important role in preventing bacterial and fungal infections. That is why it helps to clean the small pores present in the skin of the scalp, which
provides solution to the problem of skin dryness, dandruff, hair loss. Itching is also found in the head. (Benefits of garlic)
You can use garlic for hair beauty in this way -(Benefits of garlic)
Mix ten buds of garlic and 2 teaspoons of honey and make a mask and leave it on the hair for about half an hour. When this mask dries naturally, wash it with fresh clean water. While honey retains hair moisture and conditioning, on the other hand, vitamin-E in garlic prevents hair loss and breakage. Garlic should be mixed with other things on the hair.
Cut the garlic and mix coconut or olive oil in it and fill this mixture in a jar in a cool, dry place and keep it for ten days. This oil will be especially effective in increasing the shine of your hair and making them thick. Cut garlic into small pieces and mix it in hot coconut oil. Apply it half an hour before shampooing your hair. After mixing garlic in aloe vera gels and applying this mixture to the hair for half an hour, wash the hair with clean fresh water.
Mix five buds of garlic with onion and extract its juice and shampoo it after applying it on the hair and scalp skin for 15 minutes.(Benefits of garlic)
Fry garlic paste in oil. When it turns light brown, take out the garlic after the oil cools down. Take 6 teaspoons of garlic oil, 2 teaspoons coconut oil and one teaspoon mehndi oil and keep the mixture in a jar. Apply three spoons of this on the hair and scalp skin and wash after one hour.
- Mixing one bud of honey and honey in shampoo or conditioner and applying it on the hair enhances the hair color.(Benefits of garlic)
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