Sunday, April 5, 2020

Covid-19 : How to keep a good sleep away from being infected!

We all know that sleepiness leads to fatigue and mental stress. Experts also believe that if we do not get enough sleep in this unprecedented time, then our immune system will be weakened which can increase the chances of infection. Let's know how sleep can help you keep yourself physically and mentally healthy during lockdown. Also, if you are suffering from insomnia then how to get out of that situation.

Possible cold
Scientists are currently engaged in research to know the effect of sleep effects on Kovid-19 virus. But a 2015 scientific research found that if a person sleeps less than six hours a night, the chances of a cold will increase four times. The reason behind this is that during the first one third time of sleep, the body's immune system is strengthened which prevents colds.

Eight hours of sleep increases immunity -
Jason Ellis, director of the Northumbria Center for Sleep Research, says sleep is most important to destroy infections in the body. During sleep our body's immune system makes a protein 'cytokines' and spreads in the body. This protein contains a special type of white blood cell 'T-cell' which is important for the body's immune system. T cells attack and destroy any infected cell present in the body. That is, if you are sleeping for at least eight hours, then cytokines and T cells will be produced in sufficient quantity and your physical capacity for infection will increase.

Tiring yourself too dangerous
People get so upset due to lack of sleep that they exhaust themselves by working more than capacity. Experts believe that this method can increase the risk to the body instead of being effective in sleeping. Experts also believe that in case of emergency, service workers who have to work more, they may be suffering from insomnia which is a concern.

Indians sleep less -
According to a study in 2019, on an average, Indians sleep for seven hours every day while in European countries people sleep for seven to eight hours. While sleep is a matter of concern, the situation can take a serious turn at the time of lockdown.
Invitation to sickness not sleeping
Expert Jason Ellis says that sleepiness due to stress or fear can double the immune system because the body's immune system's ability to respond is imbalanced. This increases the tension and creates the fear of reaching the state of mental depression, while the risk of flu etc. arises in the body due to physical weakness.

Do let us know your questions and suggestions in the comment box.

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